Supporting Third East
There are several ways to support your student and the 3rd East community:
Open communication with their Community Coordinator.
Hall Snack - there is a sign-up below for our weekly hall snack, which is served to students following our Hall Meetings which occur on Mondays at 10pm. This absolutely does not need to be a full meal and can be a smaller food item that's meant as a treat for the hall. If you choose to sign up, the Community Coordinator will reach out to you directly to work out logistics.
Non-perishable food closet - we try to keep a stock of non-perishable food items that are available to students on 3rd East who are hungry when the cafeteria isn't available to them. Some such items are included on our Amazon Wishlist linked below, but if there are other items that you suspect your student and/or others may enjoy, we would welcome you to send those along as well.
Programming supplies - at times, we may need materials to help supplement a program for the hall. When those times arise, we'll add those items to the Amazon Wishlist and include details on this page to ensure y'all are aware of what those items will be going towards.
Miscellaneous hall donations - if there are items such as decorations, plants, games, etc. that you'd like to provide for our hall community, please feel free to reach out to the Community Coordinator directly about those.
Thank you!
If you can't see the sheet above, be sure to log into your NCSSM Google account. Every 3E student and family should have edit access to this sheet.